How Can I Keep Harmful Deer Out of My Vineyard?

24 Feb

Deer in the vineyard may be very devastating, as they tend to eat plants or trample them. Keeping this animal out is a priority for many farmers who spend huge amount of time and money in order to grow their commercial crops. Over the years, the deer has been causing million dollar loss to agricultural investments in United States and Canada or any other place where the deer is causing huge loss to farmers. People are using different deer control methods, but one sure way to keep the deer out of your investment is to use sturdy deer fence systems.

Deer fence systems come in varied sizes and shapes. You will find from 8 to 15 footer fences in the market. At a minimum, a deer control system should at least 8 to 10 feet tall, as this much height will prevent deer from jumping or entering your investments. A variety of materials can be used to make fencing systems, but the fences made with wire and mesh is much more in demand. Establishing a hedge for keeping deer out can also work in your favor, though this requires several years of commitment. You may also plant deer resistant plants, especially around the edges of your vineyard, as these types of plants tend to be very unappealing to deer.

While different people use different deer control methods to keep the harmful animals such as rabbits, dogs, deer and many other animals out, but a deer fence installation seems to be a perfect solution.  Sturdy fences from reputed fencing companies are quite durable and require less or no maintenance. They are available in varied designs, shapes and sizes. Make sure you buy fencing systems made with high quality materials with high pressure bearing capacity. Ensure you hire experienced installers who can install durable and strong fences at affordable price.

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Posted by on February 24, 2012 in Uncategorized


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