Monthly Archives: February 2012

How Can I Keep Harmful Deer Out of My Vineyard?

Deer in the vineyard may be very devastating, as they tend to eat plants or trample them. Keeping this animal out is a priority for many farmers who spend huge amount of time and money in order to grow their commercial crops. Over the years, the deer has been causing million dollar loss to agricultural investments in United States and Canada or any other place where the deer is causing huge loss to farmers. People are using different deer control methods, but one sure way to keep the deer out of your investment is to use sturdy deer fence systems.

Deer fence systems come in varied sizes and shapes. You will find from 8 to 15 footer fences in the market. At a minimum, a deer control system should at least 8 to 10 feet tall, as this much height will prevent deer from jumping or entering your investments. A variety of materials can be used to make fencing systems, but the fences made with wire and mesh is much more in demand. Establishing a hedge for keeping deer out can also work in your favor, though this requires several years of commitment. You may also plant deer resistant plants, especially around the edges of your vineyard, as these types of plants tend to be very unappealing to deer.

While different people use different deer control methods to keep the harmful animals such as rabbits, dogs, deer and many other animals out, but a deer fence installation seems to be a perfect solution.  Sturdy fences from reputed fencing companies are quite durable and require less or no maintenance. They are available in varied designs, shapes and sizes. Make sure you buy fencing systems made with high quality materials with high pressure bearing capacity. Ensure you hire experienced installers who can install durable and strong fences at affordable price.

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Posted by on February 24, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Professional designed deer fence for deer control

The increasing population of deer in the United States has led to the headache of farmers, as they are either trampling or eating their crops causing them million dollar loss every year. People have developed various methods for deer control, but still they are finding their investments vulnerable to the threat of deer and other harmful animals. This is where the importance of deer fence comes in. Fencing is said to be the best method to keep the deer out of your nurseries, gardens, yards, landscape and other investments.  Fences are available in varied designs, colors, sizes and shapes.

Fencing systems made from high-tensile horizontal wires are said to be the most popular choice of farmers in the US.  They are designed to be sturdy and durable. A professional designed deer fence can last between 15 to 30 years and even more. Such fences can be found in wide range of sizes and shapes. You will find different sizes including 6, 8 and 10 fitters. However, 10 fitters are the most recommended fencing solutions used throughout the United States and other parts of the globe. They come with heavy-duty gates and prove useful to check the menace of deer in rural and urban areas. They offer added security for your Vinyard, garden, nurseries and other types of crops.

Most of the people these days opt for wire deer fencing, as they require less or no maintenance. Deer fences made from high-tensile horizontal wires are easy to install. They are the best way to keep deer out of your yards. If you are now planning for deer fence installation, make sure your hire reliable and professional installers with rich experience and expertise. Also, check out prices of fencing and its installation so that you can save money and at the same time ensure that it will keep your investments protected from the increasing menace of deer and other harmful animals which can ruin your crops.

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Posted by on February 9, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Protect your valuable investments using Deer fencing system

Deer fencing system

Deer the most beautiful animal but now a day are causing lots of problems both in rural as well as urban area’s Forms, Gardens, Agricultural stuffs.  They destroy farmer’s crops and thus lead to the loss of million dollars to them. They can destroy orchards, gardens, agricultural crops, landscaping plants and much more.  In addition to this, deer bring ticks which lead the dangerous disease called Lyme. To keep the deer out of investments and prevent your investment, here are some affordable and effective to prevent the menace of this animal.

Deer FenceDeer Fence has become a popular method to protect your garden, nurseries, farms, and landscape planting protected from deer. Fences should be designed to be sturdy and durable. Available in varied sizes and styles, the fencing systems prevent big as well as animals from eating or trampling your crops.

Vinyard– Planting vineyard is a dream of many wine enthusiasts, but protecting it from animals is very tough task. Just install fencing and prevent deer and other animals from eating your valuable plants and trees in Vinyard.

Deer fencing is specifically designed to be highly sturdy and durable to keep even the big deer off your garden or landscape. Unlike traditional deer control methods, modern fencing methods are much beneficial and do not allow these animals to jump into your crops. Latest deer fence systems are less expensive and durable. They are quite quick and easy to install. There are several types and styles of fencing available in the market. You will find a range of designs and shapes to choose from. Visit some online sites like Pro Fence LLC, and find out the list of deer fencing systems and compare them in terms of durability, quality, benefits and of course pricing.

Get Quality and Durable Deer Fence

A deer can damage your orchards, gardens, or agricultural crops, nurseries etc, use highest quality deer fence and keep the deer out. Deer eats 3% of their body weight and can consumes between 4 and 10 pounds of food per day. When it comes to deer control fencing options, there plenty. Ensure that your hire experienced professionals for deer fence installation who guarantee durable and sturdy fencing to protect you from the menace of deer grazing at Vinyard and other places.

According to Pro Fence LLC…

“Our fencing systems are made from Southern Yellow Pine and are treated against fungus, insects, and ultraviolet damage. Each post is visually inspected for quality and comes with a 30-year guarantee. We use 12′ long posts for our 8′ fence, and 14′ long posts for our 10′ fence. Each post is 5-6″ diameter. Our fences are also reinforced with 6-7″ diameter 14 foot H-style braces on end sections and corner braces where the fence changes direction. This ensures further security and stability.”

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Posted by on February 9, 2012 in Uncategorized


Important Tips for Deer Fence Installation

If you own a stretch of land that is vulnerable to the menace of deer, you have to take extra precautions in order to protect your gardens and farms possible pests who ruin your crops. Stray deer can clear your entire vinyard, if there is no hindrance. Animals these days have become big concern for gardeners, agriculture and farmers. They cause million dollar loss to them. The best solution to keep these pests away from your investment is to go for sturdy deer fence that can prevent deer from entering your crop. Here I mention a few tips for deer fence installation:

Understand your requirements – In order to assure you that your investment remain protected, you have ascertain where you will have to place a deer fence and how much area will need protection. So, determine what percentage of your vinyard will be fenced.

Know population of deer – Prior to installing a deer control system in your gardens, you have to get the idea about the deer population. If you live in an area densely populated by deer, go for sturdy deer fencing that suits your most requirements and works ideally as a garden and yard fencing. Make sure that the fencing you install can bear the pressure of approximately 750lbs.

Buy deer fence from reputed organization – When buying deer fence, make sure that you buy it from a reputed and reliable organization that designs sturdy and durable fencing systems. This will ensure that the fencing will last for several years and offer maximum protection.

Consider proper size of deer fencing – When it comes to buying deer control fences, there are plenty of sizes and shapes. You have to select the most appropriate size as per your requirement. You will find a variety of sizes from 6 to 12 feet high fences to keep pests away from your crops.

Choose experienced professionals for deer fence installation-Finally, it is essential to hire someone who is experienced and have the required skills to install deer control fences in your vinyard.

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Posted by on February 7, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Deer Fence Installation: Many Advantages for Farmers

The beautiful animal called ‘deer’ may look amazing when grazing on the field, but it is actually enemy for your blossoming crops. As per a study, this animal causes loss of millions of dollars to American farmers. A deer can eat or trample your vinyard or landscaping. It is therefore advisable that if you have invested big amount in your crops, keep them protected from the menace of both large as well as small animals who can affect your plants and trees.  Install deer fence which will ensure deer control or keep such animals out of your farm.  As there different sizes and styles of fencing systems that are durable enough and offer expected benefits.

There are various benefits of deer fence installation. It is quite economical and thus requires less maintenance or no maintenance. Modern deer control fencing is very durable and is designed to be highly sturdy. It is tall enough to prevent animals from jumping into the field.  The best thing about latest fencing systems is that they are easy and quick to install. If you hire some experienced and skilled professionals, they will do the installation in a quick span of time.  Advanced fencing is now designed keeping the animal life in mind and they do not harm or danger the life of a deer. The fences are of good quality and can last for several years.

With Lyme disease has become so common in various countries these days, now it has become almost essential to install deer fence to protect life from this dangerous malady that causes fever, headache, joint pain and fatigue to mention a few.  According to Wiles, deer control fencing in vinyard or other places is the most effective solution to avoid Lyme disease caused by bacteria transmitted by deer and other animals. Fencing is designed for various purposes and they can protect farms, nurseries, gardens, landscape planting, flowers, vegetables and much more. If you are looking for deer fence installation, there are so many options. You will find a good range of fencing systems available in different sizes and designs.  Choose that are strong enough to discourage deer.

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Posted by on February 7, 2012 in Uncategorized


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